Why give?

Why give?

Asking why you give or want to give helps root your actions in your passions and values. As you discover how to connect your giving to what you really care about, you will bring meaning and focus to your efforts and magnify the impact of your gifts.

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To whom, what & where?

To whom, what & where?

Good intentions alone lead to limited impact. Thoughtful giving is about making strategic choices to accomplish your goals. Alter Advising provides the research to help you choose confidently and to connect what you care about to what is likely to succeed.


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How to give?

How to give?

As a philanthropist, how you structure your gifts and your personal engagement can profoundly shape your legacy. Alter Advising provides knowledge and perspective so that you and the organizations you partner with both achieve your goals.


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Alter Advising offers independent guidance to increase the effectiveness of your giving and improve your family’s philanthropic experiences.

We'll help you create a lasting legacy.